SINTO BRASIL supplies parts and services oriented towards the upmost performance of your blasting equipment. We want to know your company, its equipment and operations, in order to better serve you and to surpass your needs and expectations. We supply high quality original parts with the exclusive abrasion resistant XR alloy, specifically developed for blasting equipment. A modern information system is utilized for a full optimization of inventory levels, with attention over the high turnover parts: advanced statistical methods, combined with sales, financial, production, warehouse and shipment are at the basis of such system. As a consequence, we are able to offer large inventories for quick and efficient customer support, higher productivity and less maintenance downtime.


We are prepared to offer technical assistance for SINTO and different brands of blasting equipment, including: turbine adjustment, abrasive separator adjustment, drummer belt assembly and adjustment, assembly and adjustment of cup elevator belts, general part substitution, plus repair, overhaul and retrofit services.


We have specialized technical teams able to supply in company trainings with the purpose of optimized performance and better preventive maintenance.